Surgical Hair Restoration

Hair Replacement in Bangalore and Delhi

Best Hair replacement in Delhi and Bangalore

Hair transplantation is a minor outpatient surgery that involves relocating existing hair follicles from the donor site to the baldness area.

Procedure involves removing a donor strip from the donor site( a strip of skin from the donor area )and close the opening with sutures.

Then surgeons cut off individual hair follicles from the donor strip, and implant them. The grafts are inserted into pre-cut micro and mini slits on the baldness area.

The procedure generally takes about 3 to 4 hours depending on the number of grafts. There will be a fine scar on the donor area that you can easily cover up with the surrounding hair. Patients usually feel little or no pain, and can return to work the very next day. There is no additional care needed on the transplanted hair once they grow.

Transplanted hair will grow within 6 month.

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